Sunday July 7, 2019

Sunday July 7, 2019

10:00 am Joint Worship Service with other river churches at Holcombe-Jimison Farm

Picnic to Follow. Bring a dish to share.

Volunteers & Staff Needed to Connect Seniors with Nutrition Services

Meals on Wheels in Hunterdon is seeking volunteers to assist the elderly in Hunterdon County. The non-profit agency depends solely on volunteers to deliver meals to clients’ homes weekday between the hours of 11 am to 1 pm. The volunteer commitment is flexible generally once a month. Whenever possible drivers deliver meals in their own local community and neighborhoods. Site volunteers help package meals prior to delivery hours. Volunteering is easy, registration forms are available online at or by calling the office at 908-284-0735.

Meals on Wheels in Hunterdon has a part-time staff position open to package meals at our Nutrition Site, 25 South Main St., Lambertville. Flexible hours between 9 am to 12 pm Monday through Friday. Please call the office at 908-284-0735 or email for information.