April 21, 2018 – The Jason School Baci Party

You are invited.

The Jason School Baci Party
April 21st 7:00pm Stockton, NJ

Come celebrate the comple on of the Vieng Xai elementary school. We provided the funds and the villagers provided the labor. The party will be part Lao and part American with Luang Prabang River Weed to munch on, baci strings to tie, presentations of videos and photos and the debut of Irma Fuhr’s commissioned watercolor of The Jason School. Prints of the watercolor will be available to support the school’s 263 students.

If you want to be connected or become more connected with the village, come for a night of tasty treats, exotic converstions, great art and meaning. The church and several folks who made the 12,000 mile trip to participate in the school’s dedication would love to chat with you.

Bring a Friend / Invite a Stranger